George Carlin tells it like it is
Michael Richard, OP-ED News: What Shapes Your Perception, Who Builds Your Paradigm? read
This article provides important information on Mass Media Conditioning, and the discovery and evolution of Mass Media and conditioning techniques. One of the early (1930's) evolutionists is a guy named Dr. Bernays. He made smoking popular for women, made wars palatable, and could turn any issue into a positive spin. Sound familiar?
Who owns Main Stream Media?
Mind Control in America

Are Americans Willfully Ignorant or Stupid?

More proof.. This is not funny.

Zombie Nation

Ever wonder what people are thinking? What if I told you.. NOTHING? The American Conditioning Program has taught people how to "unthink". Read this and get a feeling of what I go through EVERY day of my life.

Affects of Gun Control

The issue of gun control is sensitive to most Americans. From a micro perspective, crime, (seemingly) senseless shootings, and gun accidents favor gun control measures. Even though I do not own one myself, there are much larger issues at stake. For those who know history, you will find that citizens who have been disarmed are at the total mercy of their abusive governments.

Say what? It can't happen here in the U.S.? I beg to differ. Any government that has the complete control over its citizens have every incentive to abuse its power. The following link provides the affects of removing weapons from its citizenry. From Jeff Rense.

Shock Value: Mind Controlled Killers

Who goes into a fast food chain (or mall or school), shoots people,
and then kills themselves?

Answer: No one. No one wants to get caught. Real killers RUN AWAY.
Shooting at Wendy's Florida. Kills 2 Injurs 5, Gunman kills himself

"Rash of School Shootings Baffle Specialists"

Remember, I said last week to look for PATTERNS of killings?
How many school, mall, and patternistic shootings have taken place in the last few years? Answer:
Amish School Shootings in '06
History of Shootings
School Shootings 1997-2008
Virginia Tech: April 16, 2007
Northern Illinois University: February 14, 2008
CNN: 44 Stories on School Shootings

Ask yourself how are YOU reacting? Are you getting angry and SCARED? Do you think that is EXACTLY how they want you to react? Now ask yourself how you would would vote to reduce gun ownership rights, right now?

That is exactly what they want you to do. Just like other governments have done in other countries. Now imagine yourself defenseless against and unjust, abusive government. Now imagine an entire nation defenseless.... Now do you get the idea?