The Story of James Casbolt & Project Mannequin

By Ken Adachi
September 8, 2008

The Story of James Casbolt & Project Mannequin (Sep. 8, 2008)

James Casbolt has written one of the most revealing exposes to date on secret government operations and the ultra secret NSA mind control operation called Project Mannequin. While he reviews known specifics of government involvement with aliens, much of his information is new, especially with regards to U.K. underground covert operations. Subjected to mind control programming from earliest childhood, he began to recover his memories about two years ago and continues de-programming therapy to the present day. He first appeared on the Internet in 2007, trying to get out his story, but as is often the case with high level whistle blowers, he was besieged and verbally assaulted by the usual gaggle of conspiracy bloggers and blow hards who are ready to denigrate and dismiss anyone who has new and startling information. I saw the same thing happen to Brice Taylor when she first came out with her book, Thanks for The Memories, in May of 1999. It's a combination of blogger-idiots and government disinfo/smear artists who always reserve their most vicious attacks for those who come closest to the mark. read